Setting a new personal
record for the first day of the season, riding the white wave,
Sept 10, 03.
First tracks at Alta
is a magical place that is always refreshing. When covered
in snow, there is a serenity there that placates the most
wretched of souls. And screaming downhill on a freshly
waxed board
helps too.
year, by seemingly impossible timing, a friend and I ended
up snowboarding there during a very
early season snow storm that blanketed the mountain for
just one day. It was surreal. Trudging through the snow
would frequently cause pink and purple summer flowers
to spring up from the weight of the heavy flakes. A crash
would end with a crunch of twigs and the release of sweet
smelling sage into the frosty air.
My goal
has always been to ski as early as my birthday (October
11th), but
day beat my goal by over a month! With
any luck the season will start in earnest soon!
"When choosing between two evils, I always
like to try the one I've never tried before."
- Mae West (1892-1980)
September 16: Routine check up
Coming Up!
I'll write when I get back from
my latest meeting with my doc. I think I owe "the Journal"
a serious commentary on survivorship too.
Stay Tuned!